Mini-Profiles of STEM Role Models 16

Today’s mini-profile is of assistant professor Angeliki Mali, who specialises in mathematics education and who lists laughing as a hobby (something which I am going to start adding to my list of hobbies too, from now on).

I hope that you enjoy this mini-profile and the others in the series!

Job title:

Assistant professor in mathematics education (Institute for Science Education and Communication, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen)

Subject area:

Characterising teaching practices and their development for students' learning of mathematics

How did you get into science?:

I had incentives from my family to follow a science, technology, engineering or mathematics career and was fascinated by the ways mathematics could work to give solutions to problems. I have always loved the analytical process and the creativity of doing mathematics. When I became aware of research that could make these accessible to all, I decided to follow a career in academia - that was during my studies at university.

Where else have you worked/studied?

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens  (Athens, Greece): Mathematics, Mathematics Education; Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden): Mathematics; Loughborough University (Loughborough, UK): Mathematics Education PhD, university teacher; University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA): postdoctoral research fellow; University of Groningen (Groningen, the Netherlands): assistant professor.

What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?

Reading, traveling, listening to music, laughing, swimming, scuba diving, fun activities with my dogs.

Kasia Tych