Profiling Dutch Biophysicists - Nynke Dekker

Jointly with the NWO Physics of Life Research Community Program Officer Dr. Naomi Chrispijn-Steenbeck, we have been profiling biophysicists in the Dutch research community.

Our third profilee is Prof. Nynke Dekker from the Technical University Delft (TUD) and, most recently, the University of Oxford (UK), we hope you enjoy reading the profile!

. What is your job title?


At TU Delft, of “Single-molecule nanoscale biophysics”

At the University of Oxford, of “Biophysics” (since February 2024)

2. What about your subject area?

Single-molecule biophysics, with a focus on DNA and RNA replication. It’s about seeing molecular machines that copy DNA or RNA in action, while they are doing their job. I love it, it’s super interdisciplinary and very creative. I have outstanding people in my group who are highly motivated, and together we can do great things. Also the communities are very friendly – both on the single-molecule side and on the replication side – which I really appreciate. I also organize meetings in the field to help bring people together. That makes it easier, and more fun, for everyone.

3. How did you get into science?:

I would say I enjoyed all subjects in high school, but especially math. I wanted to study some type of math or science in university, but didn’t know which specific subject to focus on. When I started at Yale University as an undergrad, I was thinking I would major in molecular biochemistry and biophysics, because it was a mix of everything. But, I didn’t enjoy the chemistry labs that went along with that major, there were too many pre-meds taking them who only cared about their grades. Whereas I did enjoy the physics labs and the physics classes. Perhaps because they were very challenging, but fortunately not so very challenging that I gave up on them. And so I ended up being a physics major.

4. Where else have you worked/studied?

Besides at Yale, I studied at Leiden University (MSc) and Harvard University (MSc and PhD).

I then went to do a postdoc in Paris, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, for two years. And then I started my position at TU Delft, in 2002.

At present I am transitioning to the University of Oxford, where I was appointed in February of this year. I still maintain my TU Delft connection, as my lab still needs to move, but at a lower level.

5. What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?

I like to go hiking in the outdoors – in any case, I have a little dog who needs to be walked, so I regularly go outside. I also enjoy most sports and practice a variety of them, like running/biking/swimming/yoga. And I like to play the piano and to sing.

6. Could you share some tips and tricks for someone thinking about pursuing a career in science in academia? 

If you love doing science, I think you will naturally work to become good at it. And in that case I think things will always work out. But, I would recommend following a laboratory management course, because there’s doing the science and then there’s the stuff you need to take care of in order to be able to do the science. Both are important.

7. Who are your scientific role models?

I don’t really have a specific one, perhaps because I work in an interdisciplinary field and so I learn different things from different people. I have a lot of respect for people who manage to stay focused on science over the years, that is also what I try and aim to do. But I do think that institutions need to be more enabling to allow scientists to maintain that focus, by providing more funding for management and technical support. Because running a research group is like running a small company – one needs a core to be able to rely on.

8. What does your working area (desk, office) look like and what does it say about you?

My desk itself is at least reasonably clear, so that when I come in things aren’t cluttered and I have room to work. But the only reason it’s clear is that there’s tall stacks of papers and documents all around it! Most years I find a few days in the summer to clear those out, but this past year, what with organizing the transition to Oxford, I didn’t succeed. So my desk and the area around it say that I can focus on the most important things at hand, but that having an extra pair of hands to help organize things would be very helpful!

Kasia Tych