Mini-profiles of STEM Role models 7
Given the popularity of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science at the University of Groningen mini-profiles, I have decided to extend the series to continue to provide as many role models in STEM as I can publish.
If you’re interested in taking part, please e-mail me your answers to the questions below and a fun picture of yourself at: with the title ‘STEM Role Models mini-profile’. Thank you!
This mini-profile is of an inspiring colleague, Associate Professor Sahar el Aidy, who has recently been awarded the Athena award from the NWO (Dutch research council) for being seen as an inspiration in the fields of social impact, team science, role model, diversity and communication. Her work focuses on the microbiome and the gut-brain axis, a topic which I find truly fascinating. I hope you enjoy this mini-profile and the rest of the series!
Job title:
Associate Professor and Rosalind Franklin Fellow
Subject area:
Host-microbe metabolic interactions
How did you get into science?:
inspired by my parents, who are in the field of horticulture, i decided to study pharmaceutical sciences. As I was obsessed with combing travelling and studying, I started my long journey with the gut microbiome through my NIFFIC-funded fellowship in Wageningen University.
Where else have you worked/studied?
Various countries including Egypt, Ireland, Italy, and Switzerland.
What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?
Hiking, reading, and travelling