Mini-Profiles of STEM Role Models 12

Today’s mini-profile is of Assistant Professor Anastasiia Krushynska, who works with wave dynamics in the context of materials science. Her career to date has taken her all over the world.

I hope that you enjoy this mini-profile and the others in the series!

Job title:

(Tenure track) assistant professor (ENTEG, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen)

Subject area:

Wave dynamics, Material Science, Acoustics

How did you get into science?:

As a child, I loved math and was inspired by it. This passion led me to become a student at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Donetsk National University in Ukraine. During the last-year B.Sc. studies, I attended a course on mathematical modeling of wave propagation in solids. That was love at first sight, since, for me, there is nothing more beautiful than compact equations accurately describing wave fields.

Where else have you worked/studied?

In multiple places. First, I worked as a junior researcher at a Research Institute in Ukraine. Then, as a post-doctoral fellow at the TU/e in the Netherlands, and later on, as an MSC research fellow at the University of Turin in Italy. In between, I was a visiting researcher at the National Taiwan University in Taiwan, the University of Le Mans in France, and at the University of Trento in Italy.

What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?

My hobby is cross-stitch. For fun, I prefer to play with my daughter.

Kasia Tych