Mini-Profiles of STEM Role Models 13

Today’s mini-profile is of postdoctoral researcher Nadja Simeth, who develops tools to be able to modulate the functions of molecules using light.

I hope that you enjoy this mini-profile and the others in the series!

Job title:

Postdoctoral Researcher

Subject area:

Organic Photochemistry at the Interface with Supramolecular and Biochemistry

How did you get into science?:

I enjoyed Chemistry and Biology a lot in high school mainly due to enthusiastic teachers. First, I planned to become a teacher myself, but once I got to know the excitement of scientific discovery, I changed paths. Now, I’m happy to split my time between the lab doing research myself and mentoring students in and around the classroom.

Where else have you worked/studied?

Germany, Sweden & Italy

What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?

Different team sports, such as handball and soccer, and outdoor sports like mountain biking, kayaking – in the Netherlands mainly running

Kasia Tych